One would have to go back to America's Cold War days to find anything remotely comparable to the ferocity of Vice President Mike Pence's across-the-board anti-China speech at the Hudson Institute on 4 October, 2018. The New York Times aptly points this out as a new Cold War against China.
In support, the recently concluded US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) contains a "poison pill" clause forbidding parallel agreements with "non-market economies" (read China). Similar clauses are expected to be inserted into future US agreements with Japan and the European Union to build a Western economic wall to isolate the Middle Kingdom.
Concurrently, following consistent drop in the RMB exchange rate, there appear pressures from the White House to declare China a currency manipulator, sparking worries about a full-blown currency war.
As if on cue, The Diplomat, a D.C.-based geopolitical magazine, published an article The World According to China on 3 October. China is portrayed as scheming to dominate the world, first by following Western rules and international institutions, then biding its time, eventually bending them to suit China's "authoritarian" "neo-mercantilism". The Economist weighs in with a cover story of 4 October that "China has designs on Europe"
China's rapid and unorthodox rise has brought disillusion and consternation to the United States as the world's extant superpower. Its alleged violation of intellectual property rights and perceived lack of market reciprocity, as well as its recent assertiveness in the South China Sea, are seen as direct threats to American national interests. Much of these worries, which are bipartisan, is shared by key members of the European Union and other US allies.
Beijing is not exactly blind to these concerns. It has been implementing measures safeguarding intellectual property, including that of foreign enterprises. It has opened up selected sectors of its economy in pilot free-trade-zones (FTZ). Click here However, these measures are regarded by the West as too little, too late.
Beijing has often been reiterating that China harbours no hegemonic ambitions. Such assertions are not entirely untrustworthy. China doesn't have the capacity to fully contest America's global military dominance. Nor will it be able to supplant the supremacy of the dollar anytime soon. However, as China has grown into a thousand-ton panda, it can no longer hide its size, weight and consequential influence under a bushel.
In any case, rather than resorting to brute force, the China Dream of national renaissance would stand a better chance of realization through building a global "community of common destiny", playing by multilateral rules and capitalizing on China's global connectivity with win-win benefits. This would attract more following than adopting beggar-thy-neighbor coercive policies.
Apparently, the Trump administration's trade and Cold War have four objectives: (a) redress China's trade imbalance with the United States, including pressure on the RMB to appreciate, (b) fully opening up China's financial and commercial markets for American businesses, (c) prohibiting China from getting proprietary technology through market concessions, and (d) restraining China's support for "Made in China 2025" high-tech industries. Some of these objectives cut to the quick of China's long-term economic competitiveness and stability.
China should be able to import much more of what America is willing to export to China, e.g. shale gas. While China will continue to open up more of its financial and commercial markets, the spectre of the former USSR's collapse dictates a more cautious and measured approach. Similarly, Japan's lost decades following massive yen appreciation as a result of the "Plaza Accord" has long been a sobering tale.
As for technology, China knows it cannot force the transfer of cutting-edge technologies. In any case, the near-death experience under US sanction of ZTE, one of China's leading high-tech firms, shows how dependent China's semiconductor industry remains on foreign core technology. The experience has become a clarion call for China to pull out all the stops to achieve core technology independence.
As for "Made in China 2025", it doesn't seem a sinister plan for world domination, otherwise Beijing would not have been so upfront about it from the start. As pointed out in China's recent 36,000-word White Paper on the US trade war , it was inspired by the United States' "Strategy for American Innovation" (2011) and "National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing" (2012) to ween the nation off a labour-and-energy-intensive unsustainable development model.
In the final analysis, while China's economy will suffer from America's all-out Cold War, its economic trajectory is unlikely to be derailed. China is the world's second largest economy, on track to become the largest. What is more, it is fully embedded in the globalized supply and value chain. Few countries can be entirely segregated from China economically. Even as US-led agreements like the USMCA try to exclude China, the countries involved, America included, are dependent on China's vast market.
For example, while under USMCA, Canada and Mexico may no longer be able to forge a bilateral agreement with China, there is no reason why they cannot join a regional trading bloc such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership being negotiated or the proposed Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, where China is but one (albeit a prominent one) of a large group of countries. In any case, the World Trade Organization's global community of nations, of which China is the largest trader, is unlikely to crumple.
In its latest Global Financial Stability Report (10 October, 2018), the IMF assessed China's balancing act following the trade war as broadly stable, following a fairly positive report card on 26 July. What is more, notwithstanding the Trump administration's targeted attack on the "Made in China 2025" strategy, China is surging ahead with innovation and advanced technologies on the front row for the Fourth Industrial Revolution .
Externally, despite some setbacks, the Belt and Road Initiative continues to deepen trade and investment links in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, according to an October Standard Chartered Bank report . This reinforced global trade and investment connectivity augurs well for accelerating the internationalization of the RMB, which is increasingly being used for bilateral trade settlements, including energy contracts. While unlikely to usurp the primacy of the greenback, this trend at least serves as a buffer against a frontal US currency war.
Officially, the United States denies that it tries to contain, let alone, thwart China's rise. Be that as it may, it is likely to be wishful thinking that an all-out trade war or even Cold War would derail China's trajectory.
If anything, America-inspired global pressures on China are likely to shock and impassion the Chinese nation to redouble efforts in reform and opening up and in hastening the realization of the China Dream.
In any event, while huge challenges and risks are likely to persist, the United States and China are not necessarily destined for conflict, if leaders and the peoples on both sides dare to think outside the box. Kevin Rudd's 2015 TED Talk "Are China and the US doomed to conflict" remains instructive.