Remember the famous quotation by Sheik Yamani, the ex-Saudi oil minister and chief architect of OPEC - 'The Stone Age ended not for lack of stones'? Would the following signal the beginning of the end of the Age of Oil?
Researchers close in on technology for making renewable petroleum
'Researchers have taken a crucial step toward making renewable petroleum by figuring out how to use a protein to transform fatty acids produced by the bacteria into ketones, which can be cracked to make hydrocarbon fuels.', reported on Science Daily on 29 March 2011
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Car that runs on nothing but water unveiled in Japan
'Japanese company Genepax presents its eco-friendly car that runs on nothing but water. The car has an energy generator that extracts hydrogen from water that is poured into the car’s tank. The generator then releases electrons that produce electric power to run the car. The electric powered car can run on any type of water (you can even use tea and soda…etc). The car can run for an hour at about 50 miles per hour on just a liter of water; about 2 cans of soda worth. Genepax, the company that invented the technology, aims to collaborate with Japanese manufacturers to mass produce it.
Unlike other electric cars, the Genepax car does not require that batteries be recharged and has no emission. The water electrical generator is located in the back of the car and when water is poured it is then broken down in order to create electricity to power the car. Imagine what such a generator could do to the oil industry, the nuclear plants and the electrical grid.'
- Article posted on 26 March 2011 on Press Core, a non-profit online news channel created in 2001 by Paul W Kincaid, formerly of Upper Dorchester, New Brunswick Canada.
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Vertical solar farm to adorn Chicago's Willis Tower
'Willis Tower, or formerly Sears Tower, is all set to don its green attire by integrating a pilot solar electric glass project on the south side windows of its 56th floor. This in effect will transform the skyscraper into a giant solar plant with 2 MW capacity, which is almost equal to the power generated by a 10-acre field of solar panels,' posted on on 23 March, 2011.
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