Almost at the same time, two military breakthroughs marked an important milestone in the developmnent of China's military strength in missile defence and hard-power projection.
The first is the successful test flight of a long-range heavy transport plane, the Y-20, which "boasts “Chinese characteristics in supercritical airfoils, integrated
avionics, cabin equipment, composite materials and their processing.” It "can “carry the vast majority of combat and support vehicles of the
Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA),” including the PLA’s heaviest
tank, the 58-ton Type-99A2,"according to China Real Time Report of 28 January, 2013 here .
"The Y-20’s capabilities are reportedly close to those of Russia’s
Il-476, with one important exception: The Y-20’s Russian D-30KP2 engines
lack the thrust and efficiency of the Il-476’s PS-90A76 turbofans. In a
sign that even China’s aviation Achilles’ heel – engines – is now
receiving major resources, China is developing a high-thrust turbofan
called the WS-20 to fill this role as part of a major aeroengine
resource and technology push. While progress will likely take time,
reports suggest China could invest up to 300 billion yuan
($49 billion) in jet engine development by 2035. Acquisition of foreign
technology and breakthroughs in recruiting foreign experts could help
accelerate China’s jet engine development," the China Real Time Report explains.
The second is a successful testing of a "land-based, mid-course missile interception", which coincides with a similar and more advanced testing by the United States. Until now, this highly-sophiscated techology is being developed only by the United States and Japan. It is slated to be capable of intercepting hostile missiles mid-air before multi-warheads are launched from the projectile. Click here for a report in the Global Times of 28 January, 2013.
Together with the development of the nation's first blue-water aircraft-carrier fleet, China is now clearly showing the need to strengthen her missile defense system as well as capabilites in power projection, at a time when China has become too big and too globalized for Deng Xiaoping's old dictum "Bind your time and hide your light under the bushel" to be workable.