With the Ukraine face-off between Russia and the West, the world is now a very different place. I am not just talking about Russia's "near-abroad". I am referring to the possible emergence of a new Cold War.
- What next over Ukriane? (An analytical commentary)
- A Second Cold War looms in the horizon (An analytical commentary)
- Ukraine caught in Russia's tussle for power with the West (My Op-ed in the South China Morning Post)
- Grand Chessboard over Ukraine's Future (An analytical commentary)
- Khodorkovsky arrives in Germany (My radio interview on BBC World Service)
- The Future of Europe and the Ukrainian crisis - George Soros (Gist of his interview with Spiegel)
- A New Era of Chinese Diplomacy Unfolds? (Will China dominate or lead the world? An analytical commentary)
- Global Dynamics of the China Dream and Possible Turkish-China Relationship in a New Silk Road to Renaissance (My 8,701-word research Paper accepted for presentation at an international conference at Cambridge University, UK)
- Japan should have the courage to face its past (My Op-ed in the South China Morning Post)
- China's Human Rights Report on the United States (My interview on on RT, Russia's premier English-language TV channel)
- How the United States and China could help stabilize the world's monetary and economic systems (An analytical commentary)
- Will China dominate the 21st Century? (An analytical commentary)
- In defense of the Communist Party of China (CPC) - by Eric X Li, venture capitalist and political scientist on TED (A subsequent more balanced debate )
- Is there growing tension within China's Communist Party? Would a Rising China start a war? (An analytical commentary)
- Third Plenum - Bold Reforms for the China Dream (A presentation to the Samurai Group, a Japanese business network in Hong Kong)
- Why is it getting harder for Beijing to govern? (A review of Professor David M Lampton's book “Following the Leader: Ruling China, From Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping”, University of California Press, 2014)
Technology and Business
- China's Economy - Outlook for 2014 (My feature article for The Global Analyst, a business journal based in India)
- World Wide Web - Global Force for Good? (My appearance on a TV panel discussion on Inside Story with Aljazeera English Channel)
- High Speed Empire - China's global rail ambitions (A feature report in Foreign Policy)
- How technology will transform Asia's and potentially the world's finance and banking (A Working Paper by Senior Fellow Andrew Cainey of the Fung Global Institute)
- Next-Shoring: A CEO Guide (A Mckinsey Quarterly report )
- The Explosive Growth of China's New Consumers (A tour d'horizon of recent analytical research )
Energy and the Environment
- The Golden Age of Gas (A collection of the latest leading research on global energy dynamics, including the Shale Gas Revolution)
- The Arctic Region is poised to change the world (An analytical commentary)
- China targets 2024 for new thorium nuclear reactors to fight smog (An analytical commentary )
- Dark Days Ahead (My Op-ed article in the South China Morning Post)
- Blue Skies for China’s Cities - A multi-dimensional strategy (My presentation at the International Green Economy Association Conference in Beijing, 18-19, January, 2014)
- Forging a Sustainable Future for the Mekong (A report by ChinaDialogue, an international environmental journal)
- Watch the beauty and majesty of Earth from above ("Home" , a visually-stunning and emotionally-touching film produced in 2009 by Goodplanet.org)
Cheer up and chill out
RSS feed and weblinks
All of the above postings are regularly uploaded under CHINAwatch, Publications and What is New on my website http://www.andrewleunginternationalconsultants.com If you wish instant access as soon as they appear on these blogs, just click on “Subscribe to this blog’s feed” under RSS Feed on top of the right-hand column of each blog. Select the appropriate Google feed option. It is absolutely free of charge.
My web site includes a collection of mainstream China media and research sites under China Links.You may find it convenient to save my web site link on your computer, laptop, tablet, Blackberry, iPhone or iPad as a reference resource.
To enable you to read some of the entries at leisure and for ease of reference, my newsletters are now uploaded to my website. This one can be accessed here You are welcome to send this newsletter link to your colleagues and friends via Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, WeChat, Twitter or other social media devices.
Real-time consultation serviceI am available for real-time consultations by telephone, Skype or video conferencing, ideal for corporate board meetings. Please email me personally at [email protected] and concurrently text message my Hong Kong mobile +852 98198987 to ensure speedy response. My Skype address is andrew.k.p.leung I am also available on WeChat : Andrewkpleung
Speaking and lecturing opportunities
Throughout the year, subject to mutual agreement, I am open to invitations for speaking engagements or visiting lectures worldwide on China-related topics. The following suggestions may be of interest -
- The China Dream and the Third Plenum
- The Ascent of the RMB, the Chinese currency
- How technology, rural land reform, and financial liberalizasion would revolutionize banking services in China
A business networking and speaking platform in Hong Kong
As an Advisor to the Denmark-based Executives’ Global Network (EGN) Hong Kong, may I extend to you the opportunity of fielding a suitable speaker for an EGN event in Hong Kong? This will be entirely at our cost with acknowledgement of your support or that of your organization, provided that we are not asked to cover any speaking fee, travel or accommodation expenses.
For background on EGN, please visit the following links -
Executives’ Global Network Click here
EGN Hong Kong Click here
Get-together in Hong Kong
Whenever you or your colleagues happen to be visiting Hong Kong, I would love to meet to share thoughts and ideas. Please email me at [email protected]
Please allow me to benefit from your guidance, advice, comments, suggestions, and criticisms. Please feel free to share any of my papers, articles, presentations, and TV interviews with your colleagues or friends. You are welcome to publish any of them with full attribution. What is more, if you think that I may add value to your endeavours in any way, please do not hesitate to let me know. On the other hand, if for any reason you do not wish to receive my emails, please tell me to delete your name from my databank permanently.
Best personal regards,
Andrew K.P. Leung, SBS, FRSA
International and Independent China Specialist
Chairman and CEO, Andrew Leung International Consultants Limited (Founded in London)Brain Trust Member, The Evian Group (global think-tank), Lausanne, Switzerland
Senior Analyst, Wikistrat, an online global strategic consultancy
Gerson Lehrman Group (Global Experts) Council Member
International Expert, Reuters Insight Community of Experts, Thompson Reuters
China Futures Fellow, Berkshire Publishing Group, Massachusetts, USA
Distinguished Contributor, Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance (ATCA) (global think-tank)
Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
Elected Member, Royal Society for Asian Affairs
Visiting Professor, London Metropolitan University Business School
Visiting Professor, Sun Yat-sen University Business School, China (2005-10)
Senior Consultant, MEC International
Global Commercial Agent, Changsha City, China
Member, Board of Advisors of Denmark-based Executive Global Network (EGN), Hong Kong
Member, Board of Advisors of The Global Analyst, India
Member, Board of Multitude Foundation, a HK-registered charitable trust
(The following until 19 May 2010, on permanent relocation back to Hong Kong)
Governing Council Member, King’s College London, UK (2004-2010)
Advisory Board Member, China Policy Institute, Nottingham University, UK (2005 -2010)
Founding Chairman, China Group, Institute of Directors City Branch, London, UK (2006-2010)
Vice Chairman, 48 Group Club, UK (2008-2010)
Committee Member of RSA, London Region, UK (2006-2010)
Included in UK's Who's Who since 2002
Awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) in the July 2005 Hong Kong Honours List