The National Security Commission Interim Report flags up Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the digital age's defining battlefield for economic, technological and security dominance.
While confirming the United States' current lead in innovation and application, China, along with Russia, is fast catching up. China is expected to overtake the US in the top 10% of most-cited research papers next year and the top 1% by 2025. The country is poised to overtake US in absolute R & D spending without ten years (p.17). The Report omits to highlight that China also excels in "associated technologies" of quantum computing and 5G, both with security implications.
As China has become both a collaborator and a threat in AI research and application, the Report pushes for redoubled R & D funding, application of AI to security missions, training and recruting AI talent, protecting building upon American AI advantages, and marshalling gobal AI cooperation.
The Report devotes a great deal of coverage to the emerging threat of China's AI ascendancy, including perceived intellectual property theft or espionage.
Considering the importance attached to AI's national security implications, it comes as no surprise that regardless of any temporary truce in the US-China trade war, America's bipartisan pushback against China's technological ambitions including AI and 5G remains non-negotiable.
Download NSCAI Interim Report for Congress 2019 November