Backchat on June 4 with RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) (Visit the third bar (Part 2))
The full name of the Alliance featured in the show is Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China 支聯會 which has been organizing the annual June 4 candle-light vigil in Hong Kong's Victoria Park for decades. It is an iconic mass rally signifying Hong Kong's unique status under One Country Two Systems.
The Alliance has five operational goals:
- 釋放民運人士 (Release the dissidents)
- 平反八九民運 (Rehabilitate the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement)
- 追究屠城責任 (Demand accountability of the June 4 Riot)
- 結束一黨專政 (End One-Party dictatorship)
- 建設民主中國 (Build a democratic China)
Under Hong Kong's National Security Law of 30 June 2020, these five goals have become problematic. Item 4 is a direct contravention. The Alliance will run foul of the new law unless it changes its constitution and direction substantially, including abandoning Item 4 of its aims.