A Hindrich Foundation report of August 2021 by Alex Capri, Research Fellow, highlights the advent of a game-changing era of quantum computing. This defies the looming physical limits of "Moore's Law", whereby the number of transistors or "bits" on a semiconductor microchip doubles every two years.
According to the report -
"With the advent of the two-nanometer microchip, which is two-billionths of a meter, silicon-based semiconductors have hit the proverbial wall."
"In 2020, the completion by a photon-computer in China to solve in 200 seconds a problem that would have a taken a classical super-computer 2.5 billion years is testimony to the rapid exponential gains that define the race for quantum supremacy.
Relying on “qubits”, “superposition,” and “quantum speedup”, quantum computation is breaking through current boundaries of size, speed, security, communication and sensing.
For example, "Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)" uses bursts of photon transmissions, bounced off satellites, to create virtually un-hackable cyber-secure communication networks. Sensitive to motions on subatomic particle level, a quantum computer could easily detect, for example, a nuclear submarine positioned underwater at a depth of 250 meters.
A host of countries including China, the United States, EU Member States, the UK, Canada, Australia, India, Japan and Russia, have been investing heavily on quantum computing developments, with China toping the league, at US$10 billion. Taiwan, and South Korea. Singapore and Israel are developing niche positions. The actual sum of investments in quantum technology may be much higher than what is made public.
"A US-China quantum innovation race has emerged in R&D and the advancement of quantum capabilities."
"China has filed more quantum technology patents than any other country, including twice as many as the US".
"China leads in cryptography and communication-related hardware and software, while the US leads in software and hardware for computational processing." "Japan leads in patents involving hardware for communication and cryptography."
"Washington and its allies have begun to control access to components, information technology, and human capital as it relates to quantum technologies."
Download Quantum computing - a new frontier in techno-nationalism - Hinrich Foundation - Alex Capri - August 2021