(My quarterly Newsletters go out to some 8,000 professional contacts worldwide. The following is my January 2024 issue. Back numbers may be accessed under What is New on my website.)
Greetings! May I first wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and fulfilling 2024!
The UN COP28 Climate Change Conference historically agreed to transitioning away from fossil fuels by 2050. Public opinions across the globe also seem to be speaking with one voice against the inhumane violence over Gaza. Nevertheless, the world has remained ever fractious with the Western camp mired in confronting Russia over Ukraine and China as an existential threat to the US-led world order. Spiralling unintended conflicts in the Middle East or the South China Sea are never far away. Meanwhile, countries in the Global South, especially the Arab world, have found new confidence to pursue their own destinies less fettered by American hegemony.
Hopefully the following may offer you some fresh perspectives -
World Order
How the Fractured Global Order could be better Managed through Reform of the UN Security Council (Research essay published by Rome-based World Geostrategic Insights. Also in French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.
US needs to accept it’s a multipolar world and work with China (Op-ed in South China Morning Post)Republished by World Geostrategic Insights in French, Spanish, Russian,and Arabic.
New World, New Order How to reposition ourselves for a New Economy (A PowerPoint presentation)
US-China Relations
Xi-Biden Meet in San Francisco - reading the tea leaves (Analysis plus a live TV panel discussion)
‘Clash of civilizations’ not inevitable in Sino-US ties (Op-ed South China Morning Post) Republished by Rome-based World Geostrategic Insights in French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. Chinese version 大国之间亦可“和而不同” Also on Baidu 百度
US-China De-Risking Policy - Risks and Opportunities for Hong Kong (A PowerPoint presentation)
No War! (A crie de coeur of a 10-year old.
Israel and US facing an existential dilemma over Gaza (Live interview with Press TV)
Why is Beijing comparing Gaza with Xinjiang? (Live TV interview with RT)
South China Sea
South Korea and the US have kicked off joint war games - wider implications (Live interview with Press TV)
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
HK’s early accession to RCEP could have game-changing implications ( Op-ed in China Daily) Republished by Hellenic Shipping News (Cyprus) and Center for WTO and International Trade (Vietnam)
China's development
"Caging the Leviathan" - Beijing's tilt from Rule by Law to Rule of Law (Succinct outline of Peking University Law School Professor Jiang Ming'an 姜明安's analysis)
Some fresh perspectives on China's housing bubble and related debt (An indepth analysis)
China's Defense of Its Human Rights Policies (Paper by Prof. C. K. Chow of Yale University)
Li Qiang named head of China's powerful financial super-reguator - implications (Exclusive live TV interview on WION News of India)
Stunning wonders of Xinjiang's cultural and natural beauty (A photo gallery)
Hong Kong
Hong Kong's 2023 District Council election results (Backchat on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK))
2023 Hong Kong Policy Address - a review (Backchat on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK))
Cryptocurrencies - JPEX, better protection of investors from scams (Backchat on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK))
Why Europe seems to shun China's electric cars? (Russia's Izvestia TV pre-recorded interview, original in English)
Iran opposed to any geopolitical changes in Caucasus region (Live interview with Press TV)
Cheer Up and Chill Out
A 10-point Multimedia Outlook on Life (Music video)
Inspirational videos and excerpts for life's down-moments
International investment opportunities
I am on the International Advisory Board of Silk Road Partners, an international investment firm. Mr Yves Leterme, ex-Prime Minister of Belgium (November 2009 to December 2011) has joined the same Board. If you are interested in getting in touch with us, please give me a shout.
Consultation services
Please email me at [email protected] or text my Hong Kong mobile +852 98198987.I can also be reached on Skype at andrew.k.p.leung, LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/andrewleunginternational, Whatsapp at (852) 98198987, WeChat at Andrewkpleung, Facebook at andrewkinpongleung, and Twitter at @Andrewkpleung
Business networking and speaking platform in Hong Kong
As an Advisor to the Denmark-based Executives' Global Network Hong Kong, I welcome your suggestion of a suitable speaker for an EGN event in Hong Kong. This will be entirely at our own cost with acknowledgement of your support, provided that we are not asked to cover any speaking fee, travel or accommodation expenses.
RSS feed and weblinks
My posts are regularly uploaded under my three blogs CHINAwatch, Publications and What's New .A collection of leading China media and research sites can be found under China Links.
Please feel free to save my website on your computer, laptop, tablet, iPhone or iPad as a reference resource. If you wish instant access as soon as my postings appear, just click on “Subscribe to this blog’s feed” under RSS Feed on top of the right-hand column of each blog. Select the appropriate Google feed option. It is free of charge.
This newsletter is uploaded to my website here.You may save it for reference or reading at leisure. You are free to share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter or other social media devices.
I look forward to your guidance, advice, comments, suggestions, and criticisms. You may share the above contents with colleagues or friends. You are also welcome to publish any of them with full attribution.
If you think that I may add value to your endeavors in any way, please let me know how I may help.If for any reason you do not wish to receive my emails, just ask me to delete your name from my data bank permanently.
Best personal regards,
Andrew K. P. Leung, SBS, FRSA
International and Independent China Strategist
Andrew Leung International Consultants and Investments Company Limited
Brain Trust member, The Evian Group (global think-tank), Lausanne, Switzerland
International Expert, Reuters Insight Community of Experts, Thomson Reuters
Elected Member, Royal Society for Asian Affairs
Advisory Board member, China Policy Institute, Nottingham University, UK (2005 -2010)
Founding Chairman, China Group, Institute of Directors City Branch, London, UK (2006-2010)
Vice Chairman, 48 Group Club, UK (2008-2010)
Committee Member of RSA, London Region, UK (2006-2010)
Included in UK's Who's Who since 2002
Awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) in the July 2005 Hong Kong Honours List