May I first wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
We all need blessings as 2017 promises to be a decisive year with highly uncertain outcomes, for better or for worse. Would a Trump presidency usher in a new era of aggressive American dominance? Will it upend the existing Western liberal world order? Will there be a global trade war and arms race? Will the greenback continue its upward trend? Will oil and gas be back with a vengeance at the expense of global responses to Climate Change? What would become of Europe with Brexit and rise of right-wing political parties? How would China adapt to this new global reality? How would the nation transit to a new team at the 19th Party Congress by end- 2017? Would a soon-to-be-elected new Chief Executive be able to turn a new page for Hong Kong?
These are all gripping questions with no simple answers. Perhaps some of the following may offer a little fresh insight and perspective.
Trump, Geopolitics and International Relations
2017 will be a decisive year for the world especially China (An in-depth analysis of Trump, Brexit and China)
Trump's transactional dynamics, including on Climate Change, favor China (Live TV interview with ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Modernity and Globalization: How new paradigms of connectivity and diversity define a new era of creative disruptions (PowerPoint presentation)
Climate Change and WTO challenge Trump's America on global leadership (An analysis)
How may Trump leverage China to make America Great Again (An analysis from an American perspective)
China’s Global Rise: Can the EU and U.S. Pursue a Coordinated Strategy? (Highlights of a Paper by the Center on the United States and Europe and the Brookings Institution)
The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Crisis of US Foreign Policy (Lowy Institute and Brookings Institution analyses)
US face-off with Russia over Syria and military threats against Russia and China (Live TV interview with RT International)
South China Sea
10 Reasons Why the South China Sea Ruling May Lead to Regional Peace and Cooperation (Op-ed in the South China Morning Post and a Reprint in a management journal. An in-depth analysis of the Hague ruling is here. My riposte to a critique from the President of Princeton Energy Advisors, New Jersey, provides some further elucidation.)
North Korea
North Korea's Special Economic Zones (An updated report)
GBP post-Brexit (A video-clip take on the British Pound)
Oil and Gas
Russian Arctic Oil - A New Economic and Strategic Paradigm (Reports by The Red (Team) Analysis Society, a non-profit geopolitical consultancy)
How to win the resource revolution (McKinsey Quarterly research)
National Defense
China and Cyber: Attitudes, Strategies, Organization (An in-depth 34-page research Paper by NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn, Estonia)
The PLA’s Latest Strategic Thinking on the Three Warfares (A Jamestown Foundation research paper)
China Politics
Is President Xi's power concentration damaging the country? (An analysis)
The Future of US-China Trade Ties - including SOE and debt reform (Drawing from in-depth research by Brookings Institution and Petersen Institute of International Economics)
China's Debt Problem (An abridged Op-ed in the European Weekly Cover Story of China Daily)
China's Manufacturing Strategy - Made in China 2025 (An analytical update)
Challenges of Restarting Growth All Over Again (Feature article in The Global Analyst)
What's Hot in 2017 - Technology Trends (A Report by Global Futures and Foresight)
Chinese consumer
The Chinese consumer in 2030 (Latest Reports by Economist Intelligence Unit and McKinsey)
Smart Cities
One Belt, One Road
How Oman can leverage China’s One Belt, One Road (PowerPoint presentation for an international conference at the University of Buraimi, Oman)
The evolving role of China in Africa and Latin America (An Economic Intelligence Unit Report )
Hong Kong
Ten ways to turn around Hong Kong's governance and relations with Beijing (Op-ed in the South China Morning Post)
Beijing to interpret Article 104 of Hong Kong's Basic Law (TV interview on Beijing's CCTV (China Central Television))
Cheer up and chill out
A reportoire of inspirational music, videos, songs and words, There is also a collection in Chinese.
Cross-border M & A propositions
You are welcome to send me proposition on a no-commitment basis initially. Relying on my extensive network of contacts worldwide, I will try to match buy and sell sides and facilitate subsequent transactions. Please limit details to a one-page PDF document, including key financial data, photo images, and contact phone numbers and email addresses.
Consultation services
Please email me at [email protected] or text my Hong Kong mobile +852 98198987. I can also be reached on Skype at andrew.k.p.leung, LinkedIn at andrewleunginternational, Whatsapp at (852) 98198987, WeChat at Andrewkpleung, Facebook at andrewkinpongleung, and Twitter at @Andrewkpleung
Speaking and lecturing invitations
Please email any invitations or proposals for speaking engagements, visiting lectures and tailor-made electives as a visiting/adjunct professor.
Business networking and speaking platform in Hong Kong
As an Advisor to the Denmark-based Executive Global Network Hong Kong, I welcome you to field a suitable speaker for an EGN event in Hong Kong. This will be entirely at our own cost with acknowledgement of your support or that of your organization, provided that we are not asked to cover any speaking fee, travel or accommodation expenses.
RSS feed and weblinks
My postings are regularly uploaded under my three blogs CHINAwatch, Publications and What is New on A collection of leading China media and research sites can be found under China Links. Please feel free to save my website on your computer, laptop, tablet, Blackberry, iPhone or iPad as a reference resource. If you wish instant access as soon as my postings appear, just click on “Subscribe to this blog’s feed” under RSS Feed on top of the right-hand column of each blog. Select the appropriate Google feed option. It is free of charge. This newsletter is uploaded to my website here. You may save it for reference or reading at leisure and to share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Twitter or other social media devices.
I look forward to your guidance, advice, comments, suggestions, and criticisms. You are welcome to share any of my papers, articles, presentations, and TV interviews with your colleagues or friends. You are also welcome to publish any of them with full attribution.
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Best personal regards,
Andrew K.P. Leung, SBS, FRSA
International and Independent China Strategist
Chairman and CEO, Andrew Leung International Consultants Limited
(Founded in London, now re-incorporated in Hong Kong)
Honorary President, China Hong Kong Economic and Trading International Association (from 28 March, 2016)
China Futures Fellow, Berkshire Publishing Group, Massachusetts,USA(2011-13)
Brain Trust Member, The Evian Group (global think-tank), Lausanne, Switzerland
Gerson Lehrman Group (Global Experts) Council Member
International Expert, Reuters Insight Community of Experts, Thompson Reuters
Senior Analyst, Wikistrat, a cloud-sourced global strategic consultancy
Senior Consultant, MEC International (a UK-based global strategic energy consultancy)
Distinguished Contributor, Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance (ATCA) (global think-tank)
Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
Elected Member, Royal Society for Asian Affairs
Advisory Board Member, The e-Centre, European Centre for e-Commerce and Internet Law
Advisory Board Member, The Global Analyst, India
Hong Kong Advisory Board Member, Denmark-based Executive Global Network (EGN)
Global Commercial Agent, Changsha City, China
Visiting Professor, London Metropolitan University Business School
(The following until 19 May 2010, on permanent relocation back to Hong Kong)
Governing Council Member, King’s College London, UK (2004-2010)
Advisory Board Member, China Policy Institute, Nottingham University, UK (2005 -2010)
Founding Chairman, China Group, Institute of Directors City Branch, London, UK (2006-2010)
Vice Chairman, 48 Group Club, UK (2008-2010)
Committee Member of RSA, London Region, UK (2006-2010)
Visiting Professor, Sun Yat-sen University Business School, China (2005-10)
Included in UK's Who's Who since 2002
Awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) in the July 2005 Hong Kong Honours List